At Watercure USA, we often get questions via email or phone regarding water purification. The majority of the time, Western New York residents are searching for facts and solutions to their water issues. And one of the big topics we often receive questions about is Buffalo and Rochester water softening.

Of course, this fact makes total sense, since many homeowners in our area have concerns about hard water. So our team is providing you with a go-to resource to answer some top questions we see about water softening. This way, when you’re choosing the system that’s right for you, you’ll be able to make an informed decision.

Top Questions Related to Health

  • Can sodium in the purification process affect my health?
  • Let’s start with a question that’s based on a misconception about water softening. Whether you want Buffalo or Rochester water softening or water softening anywhere in the world, sodium is part of the process. Yet, the amount of sodium differs depending on how hard your water is. Still, one fact remains: the amount of sodium is so tiny that there are no adverse health effects from it.

  • Don’t I need the minerals that water softening filters out?
  • You may also have heard that when you have your water softened it removes minerals. For some people, this fact sounds like a cause for concern; however, nothing could be further from the truth. This is because you should already be getting all your necessary vitamins and minerals from the food you eat.

  • How safe is it to consume water that’s been softened?
  • Absolutely safe! You might even be shocked to find out that it’s hard water that may have a negative effect on your health. A water softening system can help with many issues associated with hard water in your home.

Top Questions Related to Water Quality

  • How pure does water softening get my water?
  • Although water softening removes unneeded minerals from you water, the story behind water purification and water softening is a little more complicated. Because there are other contaminants that could be affecting your water, it’s best to get one of our free water tests to choose the best solution for your home.

  • Will it leave my skin feeling slimy or filmy?
  • If you’ve become accustomed to showering in hard water, the new experience of softened water will feel a bit different. And that’s okay! Your skin won’t feel slimy or filmy, but because your body is now able to better keep its natural oils, you’ll have a healthier feeling of cleanliness.

  • What kind of difference can I expect to see?
  • While our area doesn’t have the highest levels of hard water in the United States, a quick look at the facts shows that Buffalo and Rochester water softening is an excellent choice given the water hardness of our communities, including private wells. You’ll notice a significant improvement in the softness of your water.

Top Questions Related to the Process of Water Softening

  • Does Buffalo and Rochester water softening waste precious area resources?
  • This one is a common misconception about the water softening process, but with more and more people being mindful of our natural resources, it’s a great question. Our systems are designed to be incredibly efficient in their use of water and energy. What this means is that, through softer water, you’ll experience appliances that are able to better do their job cleaning, showers that are more pleasant and able to get you clean faster, as well as other energy-saving benefits.

  • What if I use city water to get my water for my home?
  • If you’ve ever been in a home on public water that had severe hard water, you know that this issue can impact anyone, anywhere in the country. While many private well owners use water softeners for their water, more than 3 out of 4 homes in the United States have some level of hard water, even those under city water management.

  • Will it be cost-effective for me and my family?
  • Yes! Probably one of the best parts about Buffalo and Rochester water softening is that Watercure USA offers affordable solutions for any and all of your water needs. To start, we provide a water hardness test that’s absolutely free for you and your family.

Concerned about the hardness of your water? Get help with your water softening in Buffalo, Rochester, and beyond. Talk to one of our experts at Watercure USA: (716) 946-3598 or use our Online Contact Form!