Custom Water Filtration Systems – Buffalo, NY

You know your water tastes funny, looks contaminated, or has an unappealing odor. But do you know what type of water filtration system you need? At Watercure USA we specialize in providing the right water filtration systems to solve your particular water problem near Buffalo.

We serve residential and commercial water filtration clients in the Buffalo, NY area who have well water or city water, and provide a custom filtration system for clean, healthy water.

Free Water Testing in Your Area

There are hundreds of types of filtration systems to choose from. After a FREE water test to discover what impurities are in your water, we can advise you on the most effective and affordable way to solve your water problems.

Water Filtration System FAQs

The most effective water filtration method for your home depends on your specific water quality issues and needs. Common and highly effective methods include:

  • Reverse Osmosis (RO) systems: Removes a wide range of contaminants, including heavy metals and chemicals.
  • Activated Carbon Filters: Effective against chlorine, taste, odor, and some organic compounds.
  • UV Purification: Destroys bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms using ultraviolet light.
  • Ion Exchange Filters: Softens water by removing calcium and magnesium ions that cause hardness.
  • Sediment Filters: Removes larger particles and sediments from water.

It’s essential to conduct a water quality test and consult with a water treatment professional to choose the best system for your specific water conditions.

Yes, we have units that work without salt.

We provide custom filters based on your water purification needs. For more information on Watercure’s water purification and filtration systems or to get started with a FREE water test, call 716-946-3598.

Installing a water filtration system for your home can be worth it for several reasons. Such systems remove contaminants like chlorine, lead, sediment, and other impurities, ensuring cleaner and safer drinking water. Improved water quality can benefit your health, as well as the taste and odor of water and beverages. It also reduces reliance on bottled water, which is environmentally friendly. However, the decision depends on your local water quality, concerns about contaminants, and personal preferences. Consulting water quality reports and discussing options with professionals can help you determine if a filtration system is a valuable investment for your home.

To choose the right water filtration system for your home, identify the specific contaminants in your water by getting a professional water test. Consider your household’s water usage and select a system that meets your needs, such as whole-house filters for overall filtration or point-of-use filters for specific areas like the kitchen. Evaluate the filtration technology (e.g., activated carbon, reverse osmosis) and ensure it’s certified to remove the contaminants present. Finally, consider maintenance requirements and costs to ensure the system is sustainable for your budget and lifestyle.

Types of Drinking Water Purification Systems

While we offer all types of water filtration, some of our most highly sought after filters for our Western NY area customers include: